Always here for chat.

Always here for chat.

We believe in building strong Parent Partnership to ensure that every child is given the best possible learning opportunities. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow . Children are born ready, able and eager to learn and  here at Deepdale we work hard to ensure that we support each and every one of our children’s development. Your child’s Key Person plans activities to facilitate learning, provides lots of new experiences and follows their interests to make sure they are getting the best possible start in life. Your child's progress is recorded using an online package called Tapestry. This system enables you to follow your child's progress and add information to support your child's learning journey. Tapestry also allows you to view photographs of your child having fun at Pre-school.  Each Parent/ Carer  creates a secure log- in so that only you can access your child's information.

At Deepdale we offer an open door policy.  Parents can call into the office to discuss any issues or concerns they may have, or even just call in for an informal chat.  Parents are invited to come into the setting to see what their child has been doing and key workers make themselves available for a catch up whenever possible.

Parents evenings are held twice a year. This is a more formal meeting and gives an opportunity to discuss your child's progress and to hear how they are getting on.

To log on to your child’s Learning Journey just click on the link below and then enter your username and password: